A selection of projects that I'm not too ashamed of
Numerical Methods for Axion Electrodynamics
Solving the axion-Maxwell equations computationally using features relevant to modern experimentation and dark matter searches
Statistically Revealing the Chicago Water Crisis
Statistical analysis of water testing practices todeterminine the viabaility of current and future policies
Characterizing The Erdös Collaboration Graph
Discovering influence and communities throughout the Erdös collaboration graph and formulating a new approach to measure centrality
Transporting a Geothermal Search with Rocket & Solar Power
Engineered a rocket to eject a payload soley supported by solar energy in search of new geothermal sources.
Math Modelling for a Future of 5G
Preparing for rising costs and increasing bandwidth needs by developing a predicitive model for the cost per unit of bandwidth, designing a flexible model to predict minimum bandwidth needed, and optimizing the placement of cellular nodes in a region